Forklift & pedestrian Collision Avoidance System
The system ALIS Shield increases workplace safety by interactive protection of pedestrians from accidents involving forklifts and prevents collisions between handling equipment.

Autonomous Safety Solution Key Statistics Regarding Forklift Related Accidents
11 % of forklifts involve in work accident annually
up to $35,000 fine for an accident involving a forklift
over 140 workers are injured by forklifts annually
up to 100 fatal accidents annually
Forklift & Pedestrian Anti-Collision System
Collision Avoidance System
Autonomous speed reduction in protection zones
According to OSHA’s statistics, up to 70 % of forklift accidents can be prevented by a higher level of safety. The ALIS Shield eliminates the blind spots in operation and autonomously invokes the required predefined actions:
- Autonomous deceleration of the forklift trucks in zones.
- Interactive vibration of pedestrian tags in close proximity of forklifts.
- Triggering on the LED floor marking by forklift/pedestrian movement.

Features of Comprehensive Collision Avoidance System
- 2 phase speed deceleration of forklift truck towards other forklift trucks and/or pedestrians.
- Speed zoning (indoor/outdoor).
- Intelligent interaction with LED floor marking.
- Visual and acoustic alert inside the truck cabin.

Autonomous Speed Control in Zones
The ALIS Shield can autonomously control the speed of forklifts in different zones and in different use-cases.
ALIS Shield automatically:
- Detects pedestrians entering the surroundings of forklift trucks.
- Brakes to walking speed when approaching the protection zones.
- Slows down to a programmable speed limit when coming inside / outside speed unlimited.

Opto-acoustic Signalisation of Danger Inside the Forklift Cabine
Hitting or crushing a person is one of the most frequent injuries involving forklifts. The ALIS proximity system offers:
- Inside cabin light signalization with optoacoustic alert.
- Immune button for temporary (10 sec) speed deceleration functionality deactivation.
- Extension of AI powered cameras for pedestrian detection.

Easy & Fast Changes of Anti-collision System in Web & Mobile App
ALIS Shield autonomous safety includes an easy-to-use web application that allows you to change settings and activate/deactivate advanced functionality onsite.
Parameters for change:
- Vehicle Performance
- Smart LED Projection
- Zone Deceleration

Serious injury total 34 900 annually Collision Avoidance System
According to OSHA about 70 % of forklift accidents could be prevented.

Led Your Safety Shine Key Benefits of LED Floor Marking Method
70 % forklift-related accidents can be prevented
forklift accidents cost $135 million per year
34,900 serious injuries annually
$15 billion costs on damaged MHE annually

Forklist Collision Avoidance For Safer Workplace
ALIS system is the tailored-made solution for improved safety and increased efficiency of all operations.
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Collision Avoidance System
Forklift & Pedestrian autonomous safety
The ALIS system is a comprehensive solution that wirelessly communicates with LED floor marking and invokes interactive predefined actions against collisions under one roof.
System communicates with electric devices such as:
- Automatic doors and gates.
- Industrial LED floor marking and traffic lights.
- Smart parabolic mirror.

Compatible Add-on Devices with Alis Shield
- Diagnostic unit for battery check of personal tags.
- Inside cabin RGB immunity button for extended functionalities of speed deceleration.
- Inside cabin acoustic light beacon with the ability to adjust the volume.

Interactive Safety Solution Under One Roof
The pedestrian is equipped with a personal wristband that wirelessly communicates (peer-to-peer) with the vehicle tag. The wristband interactively alerts pedestrians to the potential danger of close proximity of forklift trucks or when entering hazardous zones.

Vehicle Tag Transferable from Fleet-to-fleet
- UWB Vehicle tag easy to install.
- Connected to MHE battery.
- Easy to transfer from fleet-to-fleet.
- MHE manufacturer independent unit.